Saturday, 25 January 2014

Blah, my first day of college

It wasn't too bad I guess. I talked to Lydia and stuff which was good. She bought me lunch though, I really hate people buying food for me.

I knew most of the stuff that they were teaching me so I was like yes gawh. A lot of people kept on complimenting my makeup throughout the college which proves that Gyaru always works! I got to to someone's face as well which was nice because people rarely let me do their makeup tbh.

I went out last night with Sam and Adam which was nice. We went to this 80's/90s club and we felt really young because we were singing Whitney Houston but Cyndi Lauper came on so Adam was happy haha. I also saw Josh from Obscure Pleasures in there and had a bit of a fangirl moment oop.

When I got in, the cat was lying on a towel and I was 'talking' to her when I was taking my makeup off which made me giggle a bit because she started meowing like she was interested.